Identifying the impact on the workforce


That whilst some members of staff will work exclusively with people at the End of Life many more will have responsibilities that require designated or protected time to be allocated to people recognised as having End of Life care needs. Protected time therefore forms a part of any persons care and support provided to people with End of Life care needs, whether exclusively or as part of a wider role.


The Cohort Model identifies:

  • An increase in the number of people supporting those with EoLC needs in an optimised service from about 50wte to just over 100wte between 2012 and 2017;
  • That the tariff savings from reduced deaths in hospital is greater than the costs of additional support in the community during a person's last days;
  • That there is a particular need for more specialist input at the point of recognition of EoLC needs, after which people with generic skills, predominantly provided by existing mainstream staff, can be equipped to provide ongoing support.


Functional Analysis is:
  • a methodology for competence-based workforce design and associated education
  • based on the direct relationship between functions (what needs to be done), the context in which it is done (e.g. high risk, or very predictable) and the skill level required to provide a quality service.
The Functional Analysis approach takes the pathway and identifies:
  • what skills are required to ensure the individual in their last year of life receives quality care. These are articulated using nationally recognised and standardised statements of function or competence
  • an indicative skill level for the functions related to the stage on the pathway and the care context

How to use the models:

Use the Cohort Model to explore:

  • A local response to the balance of 'specialist' or dedicated End of Life care staff alongside the input and support from mainstream staff and carer input to the needs of someone in the last year of life.
  • The relative costs and benefits of developing community based EoLC support and care.


To use the Cohort Model in order to identify the impact on the workforce, follow the step-by-step guide in the Cohort Model tutorial.

Go to the Whole Systems Partnership Cohort Model


Use Functional Analysis to explore:

  • how the stated functions might compare against the skills and roles currently available (in either paid or unpaid roles) and where changes could be made to move to an improved service
  • the education and training content required to deliver the skills and the workforce changes, with an indication of level of competence

Case Studies

Case studies illustrating possible applications for the tools:

Complex and Palliative Continuing Care Service (CAPCCS) in Leeds

End of Life Care Profiles
Data Sources
Advice and information
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